Sunday, December 21, 2008

so, how sick is the liberal mindset...

Wonderful? Sorry, George, It’s a Pitiful, Dreadful Life

ht, Newsbusters, NYT's City Editor Rips Into 'It's a Wonderful Life'; A Rare Window Into a Deeply Cynical Media Mind

Anyone who can take this move, about doing one's responsibilities and making a quiet but important difference in one's own world, and try to say it's pitiful and dreadful, obvious has some serious issues and needs to see some professional help.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a terrifying, asphyxiating story about growing up and relinquishing your dreams, of seeing your father driven to the grave before his time, of living among bitter, small-minded people. It is a story of being trapped, of compromising, of watching others move ahead and away, of becoming so filled with rage that you verbally abuse your children, their teacher and your oppressively perfect wife. It is also a nightmare account of an endless home renovation.

I suppose he must think that way, because how very non-pc is the movie!! Instead of living life as a care-free ne'er-do-well, George Bailey shoulder's responsbilities even when he would rather not do so. Instead of seeing the sites in far-off places, he comes to find things of infinite worth in his home town. Instead of being the known hero, he's the everyday hero. While those around him are fighting the war to keep the Germans and Japanese at bay, he's fighting a war to make sure that those off fighting have something at home worth fighting for and coming home to.

George isn't a perfect here, and when things start to fall apart around him, his reactions are understandable but still harsh. He's a good man who through no fault of his own is about to be punished for things he didn't do.

The attitude of the writer of this article is sad and pathetic to the extreme. His notion that Pottersville would have been a better place than Bedford Falls is sickening.

Monday, December 15, 2008

business as usual...

Hamas Meets With Carter, Signals Ceasefire With Israel May End

Former President Jimmy Carter met with the leader of Hamas in Damascus on Sunday, the same day the Palestinian terrorist group marked its 21st anniversary and signaled its intention to end an erratically-upheld ceasefire.

Is there anyone...anyone!!!...out there who can please, please, please, make Jimmy Carter retire and shut up!! I mean, sure, let him built H4H houses to his heart's content, or raise bees, that's fine, but someone please get this man out of the national light! Carter was an abyssmal failure as a president, and why he should think he can do better now is anyone's guess.

And, oh, Hamas is going to break it's cease-fire with Israel. Show of hands, please, for anyone out there who is surprised by that???

After an Egyptian-mediated truce went into effect in last June, rocket attacks dropped off significantly (from a high of 257 in February to just one in July, eight in August, one in September and two in October.)

But since early November, Hamas and allied groups have fired well over 100 rockets and more than 100 mortar shells across the border, according to figures provided by the Israeli foreign ministry. The upsurge prompted an Israeli embargo that has drawn international condemnation.

Yeah, aren't double standards wonderful things??? Hamas starts attacking Israel again, Israel responds, and other nations act as if Israel is the bad guy.

I seriouisly think the world is essentially upside-down. Victims are treated as criminals, criminals are treated as victims, the bad guys are given whatever they demand, the good guys are shafted, absolutes are relativized and political expedients are made into absolutes.

So, how much longer can we go on in such a state of idiocy?

Friday, December 12, 2008

random sports ramblings

And, so, it's that time of year again.

You know it, you who follow college football even remotely. It's the strange time, that strange three or so weeks between the end of the regular season and New Years, when the so called BCS bowls begin being played.

And why are those games such a big deal? After all, how many of them really mean anything? Only one, maybe two, are of any importance to the championship.

And how did two championship teams get to that game?

Let's be fair, and admit that both Florida and Oklahoma have played well enough to deserve their places in that game. The problem is, so have other teams.

Texas, Texas Tech, Penn State, USC, and Alabama can make strong claims to being just as worthy, not to mention some of the teams not in BCS conferences but who went undefeated (and if you think they aren't for real, just remember the lesson Oklahoma learned from Boise State a couple of years ago).

But they won't have a chance to play for that title. They have to be content to play simply to win a bowl game. Games essentially meaningless and worthless, except as money-making tools.

So, like last year, I'm going to propose again a way the fans can effect this situation. It may be a kind of counterintuitive way, but it's perhaps the only real way to do it, because it effects the main reason such bowl games are still going on--the money.

And my solution is, simply, don't spend money for these meaningless bowls. Fans of Texas, Texas Tech, Penn State, USC, and Alabama should simply stay home. These teams deserve a real shot at the title, but are being denied it by a system that simply isn't set up to find a real champion, so their teams are being done wrong. The system is not worthy of being supported any more.

If those meaningless BCS games were played before empty stands, the BCS powers-that-be would get the message very quickly, and we'd likely get a playoff in no time.

Sometimes, listening to sports talk radio is almost too revealing.

I've noticed something in recent times. I've noticed when I've heard sports people seem to be either bored or even actively against a team like the San Antonio Spurs making it again to the NBA Championship, or when they may as well be cheering for the Red Sox because no one cares about a Philadelphia and Tampa Bay World Series. Or when they may as well have already have had Lebron James leaving the Cav and going to the Knicks (who happen to be in New York).

I'm not sure what to label it. Maybe it's arrogance, or maybe it's a sense of putting their business before the games, or maybe it's them wanting what they perceive to be best for the sport (and for their business), but it's distasteful to me.

Because I wonder, "Why do they even want small-market teams?"

After all, if for them it's best for New York and Los Angelas to have the best teams, why have any others? Maybe Chicago can keep theirs, and maybe Houston, and Boston and Atlanta and Dallas, but real, why have any others? If having small markets teams be good and keep large markets from getting in playoffs and championships is so bad for the sports and for business, than why should those teams even exist?

Are they only poor relations, there to bring in the small-town fans and maybe add the occasion bit of drama and nice story (like Tampa Bay this passed year)? But who betide them if they happen to go toe-to-toe with the Red Sox and have the gall to actually win their playoff series, because in the end, the main thing isn't to determine the best teams and best players, it's to have as many people watch the series as possible.

Yeah, I guess that qualifies as arrogance.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

more on "'social justice' wackiness'

More about this topic.

Chicago Schools Administrator: Homosexual High School Is 'Necessary'

A proposed homosexual-friendly Chicago public high school is “necessary” for the well-being of students, a Chicago Public Schools administrator told Wednesday.

Joyce Brown, who is in charge of the public school district’s high school counselors, said the “Social Justice High School – Pride Campus” is necessary because “the issue (of homosexuality) is out there.”

The proposed school would offer taxpayer-funded support for homosexual and lesbian students. The school proposal was to be voted on by the Chicago Board of Education on Nov. 19, but the plan was pulled at the last minute.

So much of what this lady Brown says is the usual sickly-saccharine-sweet stuff one expects of these feelings-oriented pc types.

It appears, though, that the school is only proposed, and not yet a reality.

One must wonder, how would such a school really work? Does a student have to be glbtwhatever before being allowed to attend? What would the classes teach? If a hetero student was allowed to attend, how much would he or she be allowed to voice opinions against the school's credo?

In other words, is this not just another attempt to raise up immorality and silence those who want to speak out against it, and all in the name of that modern virtue "social justice"?

Were I a betting man, I would put my money on it being another waying of putting down and quieting those who believe in biblical morality.

Monday, December 8, 2008

'tolerance' is a one-way street

Go the other way, and you're likely to get your windshield sledge-hammered (and maybe not just metaphorically, either).

Creation Museum Disappointed by Cincinnati Zoo Withdrawal

After working for months with the Cincinnati Zoo on a special cross-promotion package to elevate local and regional tourism during the Christmas season, the Creation Museum learned that the zoo—after a 2 ½ day business relationship—has pulled out of the arrangement because of a high volume of complaints.

“My family and I have been Cincinnati Zoo members for more than 10 years now, so I am also personally saddened that this organization I esteem so highly would find it necessary to back out of this relationship. At the same time, I have learned that the zoo received hundreds of complaints from what appear to be some very intolerant people, and so I understand the zoo’s perspective. Frankly, we are used to this kind of criticism from our opponents, and so being ‘expelled’ like this is not a huge surprise,” Ham continued.

“Our museum will continue to promote this excellent zoo on our website and also in the printed material we pass out inside the museum. We are committed to promoting regional tourism. It’s a pity that intolerant people have pushed for our expulsion simply because of our Christian faith. Some of their comments on blogs reveal great intolerance for anything having to do with Christianity,” Ham added.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

made of fail 1

Obama Could End Abstinence Education in Fight Against AIDS

Promoting abstinence played a significant role in President George W. Bush’s efforts to combat HIV/AIDS around the world, which could be a key part of his legacy. However, some conservatives think an incoming Barack Obama administration could scrap the abstinence portion of the AIDS fighting program.

“Around the world, we've also supported care for more than 10 million people affected by HIV, including more than 4 million orphans and vulnerable children,” Bush said in a speech Monday from the White House.

“More than 237,000 babies have been born HIV-free, thanks to the support of the American people for programs to prevent mothers from passing the virus on to their children,” he added.

The president of Uganda and other African leaders have been receptive to abstinence education, McClusky said.

Further, a decrease in sexual activity among unmarried young people in Kenya has helped reduce that country’s HIV infection rates by about two-thirds over the last decade, according to the White House.

That should be enough to refute critics of abstinence education, said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women of America.

But never let moral absolutes and proven success get in the way of your liberal and unbiblical agenda.

After Obama’s victory in the presidential race last month, one of his advisers on women’s health, Susan F. Wood, told Bloomberg News that an emphasis on abstinence and monogamy over condom use has not helped prevention efforts.

“We have been going in the wrong direction and we need to turn it around and be promoting prevention and family planning services and strengthening public health,” Woods said.

Monday, December 1, 2008

not-judging ourselves to death (literally)

Religious Leaders: Churches Should be ‘Nonjudgmental’ about Behavior That Transmits HIV

At a telephone news conference in advance of World AIDS Day, AIDS activist groups and representatives of various religious groups said that counseling teens and others to be abstinent and restricting sex to marriage just isn’t “realistic,” and called on churches and the incoming Obama administration to deal with HIV/AIDS in a “truthful” and “medically accurate way.”

What I find most inane is that while they don't want churches to tell teens to save themselves for marriage (which would likely put an almost total stop on the spread of such diseases), they want the issues dealt with in a "truthful" and "medically accurate way".

Which means, in lib-speak, condoms and abortions all over the place. Let the high school quarterback have as many cheerleaders as he wants (which they want us to not call immoral) just so long as he doesn't commit the modern sin of not using a condom. And let the cheerleader be with the quarterback as much as she wants (because it's unreasonable to not expect her to act that way) just so long as she has access to abortion when she gets pregnant.

And, well, we all know that not all cheerleaders are girls, so if the QB goes that way or both ways...

But churches shouldn't comment on that, these people seem to think. Better to use political correctness as the measure of right and wrong, then what God has said is right and wrong.

Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer, United Church of Christ: I think your question exemplifies why we are struggling with stigma and discrimination in our culture, because it betrays a bias about what is moral and immoral. So, I think we’ need to take a public health approach; we need to be nonjudgmental when we speak to people and we need to make sure people have accurate information.

Stigma and discrimination keeps people from getting the information that they need. It’s often fear-based. And when people are faced with judgment they don’t get what they need to respond effectively. So I think we need to take much more of a public health approach for their concern.

It’s not about whether people are engaging in moral or immoral acts, that’s a personal judgment that is being made. It’s about realizing what behaviors cause transmission and preventing those behaviors.

And I sit here, and wonder...when did supposedly smart people become this idiotic???