Monday, December 1, 2008

not-judging ourselves to death (literally)

Religious Leaders: Churches Should be ‘Nonjudgmental’ about Behavior That Transmits HIV

At a telephone news conference in advance of World AIDS Day, AIDS activist groups and representatives of various religious groups said that counseling teens and others to be abstinent and restricting sex to marriage just isn’t “realistic,” and called on churches and the incoming Obama administration to deal with HIV/AIDS in a “truthful” and “medically accurate way.”

What I find most inane is that while they don't want churches to tell teens to save themselves for marriage (which would likely put an almost total stop on the spread of such diseases), they want the issues dealt with in a "truthful" and "medically accurate way".

Which means, in lib-speak, condoms and abortions all over the place. Let the high school quarterback have as many cheerleaders as he wants (which they want us to not call immoral) just so long as he doesn't commit the modern sin of not using a condom. And let the cheerleader be with the quarterback as much as she wants (because it's unreasonable to not expect her to act that way) just so long as she has access to abortion when she gets pregnant.

And, well, we all know that not all cheerleaders are girls, so if the QB goes that way or both ways...

But churches shouldn't comment on that, these people seem to think. Better to use political correctness as the measure of right and wrong, then what God has said is right and wrong.

Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer, United Church of Christ: I think your question exemplifies why we are struggling with stigma and discrimination in our culture, because it betrays a bias about what is moral and immoral. So, I think we’ need to take a public health approach; we need to be nonjudgmental when we speak to people and we need to make sure people have accurate information.

Stigma and discrimination keeps people from getting the information that they need. It’s often fear-based. And when people are faced with judgment they don’t get what they need to respond effectively. So I think we need to take much more of a public health approach for their concern.

It’s not about whether people are engaging in moral or immoral acts, that’s a personal judgment that is being made. It’s about realizing what behaviors cause transmission and preventing those behaviors.

And I sit here, and wonder...when did supposedly smart people become this idiotic???

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